UDS Graduate School

UDS Graduate School

The current Dean of the School is Dr. Herbert K. Dei. He holds B.Sc., Dip.Ed. (Cape Coast), M.Sc.(Kumasi), Ph.D.(Newport). The Graduate School is responsible for coordination of Graduate Studies in the University and functions under the auspices of a Board of Graduate Studies. The School is headed by a Dean who is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.


The School started first as a Postgraduate Centre in 2004 and was initially located at the Navrongo Campus of the University for Development Studies. It had only one programme running at the time of its inception, that is, MPhil. Development Studies, until in 2008 when additional programmes were introduced as shown below (see graduate programmes).


It was relocated to the old Central Administration Block, Tamale in March 2009 after it obtained the status of a School.


Graduate School Publications

graduateschoolAbstracts of Postgraduate Students (2008 – 2011)

graduateschoolFirst Graduate Conference – Book of Abstracts

graduateschool2012 Graduate School Handbook


Staff of the Graduate School

Dr. Herbert K. Dei
B.Sc., Dip.Ed. (Cape Coast), M.Sc.(Kumasi), Ph.D.(Newport).
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Registrar/Faculty Officer
Ansoglenang Gilbert,
B.A (UDS), M.Phil. (Norway)
Administrative Assistant
Dorothy Yakubu,
HND (Tamale)
Principal Admin. Assistant
Moses A. Asekabta,
HND (Tamale)
Accounting Officer
Jemila Diidudong,
Dip. Comm. (UCC)
Senior Library Assistant
Anafo Sylvester,
Dip. Library Studies (Legon)
ICT Technician
Peter Fumjegeba
Nawuriyare K. Blanda,



Contact UDS Graduate School by email: [email protected] or Call +233 (0) 3720-98601