About Ghana Baptist University College School Of Nursing

About Ghana Baptist University College School Of Nursing

The Ghana Baptist University College (GBUC), Kumasi is an initiative of the Ghana Baptist Convention (GBC) with headquarters in Accra, Ghana. It is incorporated as a tertiary institution with the status of a University College offering degree and diploma programmes with authorization of the National Accreditation Board (NAB). The University College is affiliated to the University of Cape Coast.
Vision Statement
The Vision of Ghana Baptist University College (GBUC), Kumasi is to be a centre of excellence for creative teaching and learning, innovative and relevant research, professional competence, and godly ethics in academic disciplines from a biblical Christian worldview.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Ghana Baptist University College (GBUC), Kumasi is to educate, develop, train, and mentor men and women who will excel in influencing and impacting society through integration of academic learning and Christian faith.
Core Values
The core values of the Ghana Baptist University College (GBUC), Kumasi are:

  • Scholarship: Educating the head of students, faculty and staff through academic formation
  • Discipleship: Educating the heart of students, faculty and staff through character formation
  • Stewardship: Educating the hands of students, faculty and staff through skills formation
  • Leadership: Educating the heels of students, faculty and staff through experience formation